There are very surprising things that steal our energy. Here are the hidden causes to blame and how to fix them.
Extreme Stress

If you feel exhausted and you are having neck tension or baseless palpitations, shift down gears immediately. Because stress is the number one energy thief.
THEREFORE: “Bring rhythm into your everyday life”, recommends the psychiatrists. This relaxes and also promotes the quality of night sleep. “Rituals at fixed times – such as the daily cup of coffee at 10.30 a.m. or regular visits to the sauna on Friday evenings – give us the reassuring feeling of reliability and security.”
These very simple yoga poses will help you beat stress.
Too Much Coffee

A fair amount of caffeine revs you up. Adenosine is a substance that makes you drowsy when messes up with your receptors. Caffeine occupies receptors in the brain so that the adenosine can no longer dock. In the case of people who drink coffee a lot, the effect is the opposite: more receptors are formed, the adenosine comes into play again and knocks you out.
THEREFORE: Do not drink more than six cups of coffee a day so that no new receptors are created. In addition, the wake-up effect is stronger if you rarely consume caffeine. Good to know when you realize that you should limit your consumption of the black drug: after a week without coffee, you will be weaned.
Too Many Parties

Don’t worry, every now and then a somewhat excessive party weekend is not dangerous – our liver detoxification center can handle that well. But if the party mood lasts for weeks and unhealthy food or medication are added to the alcohol, you damage the liver. The body signals this first through tiredness, it is more or less the “pain” of the liver – because the liver does not have any nerves that could indicate this.
THEREFORE: Take milk thistle capsules during and after the celebration phase. They protect the liver and encourage new cell formation. Also good: half an hour after eating, place a warm water bottle (from the pharmacy) on the liver (under the right breast) for 30 minutes. This stimulates your blood circulation so that you can detoxify and regenerate better.
The Wrong Breakfast

The classic American breakfast is eggs, bacon, peanut butter, jelly and cereal washed down with some coffee, milk or juice. Unfortunately, the sweet food makes you tired quickly. The carbohydrates in jam and white flour go quickly into the blood and drive up the insulin level. As soon as it drops, however, the energy level drops suddenly – which result in you yawning until lunch.
THEREFORE: For the first meal of the day, it is better to rely on complex carbohydrates, which release the energy slowly and continuously, and combine them with the pick-me-up protein. Women in particular usually eat far too little protein. To get fit into the day, you can, for example, eat a whole-wheat bread with cheese or quark or a yoghurt muesli with oat flakes.
Do you eat egg everyday? Here’s why you should.
Lack Of Water

Unconcentrated, sleepy, limp? The body may be lacking fluids. As a result, the blood thickens. And the organism is no longer supplied with oxygen, the most important source of energy.
THEREFORE: Let a drinking clock or an app remind you to drink water so that you can manage about 1.5 liters a day. Drinking a glass of water in small sips helps against acute drowsiness. In order for body to absorb it ideally, don’t drink it all at once.
Vegan Food

Lots of vegetables, soy, nuts … In principle, vegans eat very healthy and varied and are thus supplied with almost all vital substances. Only two substances are difficult to obtain without animal products: the oxygen transporter iron and the blood-forming vitamin B12. But without these two, you get tired.
THEREFORE: Always consume vegetable iron together with vitamin C, for example by seasoning spinach or other green vegetables with lemon. Then the body absorbs it better. Vitamin B12, on the other hand, is difficult to replace – in this case, a supplement makes sense.
Pay A Visit To Your Doctor
Anyone who feels exhausted for more than three or four weeks despite getting enough sleep should be examined. That could be behind it: Fatigue is the accompanying symptom of various ailments – from low blood pressure to heart failure – or a side effect of some medications. States of exhaustion are also typical for hidden infections or metabolic diseases (e.g. hypothyroidism, diabetes) or undetected sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.