There might be several reasons why you have cold feet, it is quite difficult to determine the real root cause from an internet post but there are few things that will help you to ease cold feet and prevent that achy feeling during winter.
1. Oil Massage

When you are cold, the temperature of the blood doesn’t really change – only circulation slows down on the areas you are feeling cold. Massage increases blood circulation on the area of application, including feet.
The most suitable oils for feet message are olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil. You can warm up the oils in the microwave before applying on your feet, which will help you get your feet even warmer. 10-minute massage, from toes to ankle would be more than enough.
After the massage, wear cotton socks and repeat this procedure every evening before going to bed.
2. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is one other method which you can easily do at home, which aims to increase blood circulation with the help of two buckets of water with different temperature.
Fill one bucket with cold water and the other bucket with warm water. Take a seat in a comfortable position and keep your feet in cold water bucket for about 2 minutes and then in warm water bucket for 2 minutes. Keep soaking your feet from warm to cold for about 15-20 minutes. After finishing up, dry off your feet and wear warm socks.
3. Feet Exercises

You don’t get cold when you are working out since our heart pumping blood to the muscles we are flexing. The same mechanism can also be used for feet. Unlike other temporary methods, this method not only provides temporary relief, it also permanently improves & expands blood vessels as you make feet exercises.
• Do a toe stand for 1 minute straight and have 1 minute break – 4 sets.
• While sitting, rotate your left foot from the ankle in a circle going counter clockwise. Then your right foot. 30 reps 4 sets would do.
• Using only your toes, try to lift an object (could be a lego or socks) from the ground.
4. Epsom Salt

One other root cause of cold feet is magnesium deficiency and our skin can absorb certain materials from water – such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Take a bucket and fill it with enough warm water to cover your feet up to your ankles. Add 1/2 cup Epsom salt and mix it thoroughly. Keep your feet in the mixture about 15-20 minutes.
5. Ginger

Ginger have a very positive effect on blood circulation, which can warm you up from tip to toe.
• Keep 1 tablespoon grated ginger in a 2 cups water for 10 minutes. Add 1 table spoon honey and make a ginger-honey mixture. Eat the mixture 2-3 times a day.
• Boil 4 tablespoon grated ginger in a 6 cups water. Let the mixture cool. Soak your feet for about 15 minutes in the mixture.
6. Green Tea

Green tea also has a positive effect on improving & expanding blood vessels in feet.
Add 1 tablespoon green tea in a jar of hot water and close its lid. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes. You may add honey or just drink it straight. 2-3 glass of this mixture (preferably with honey) would be enough.
Pour 6 cups of boiling water in a bucket and add 4-5 bags of green tea. Let the water absorb the green tea and cool for about 10 minutes and soak your feet in the water for about 10 minutes straight.
7. Chili Pepper

There is a chemical compound called “Capsaicin” in chili pepper, which is known to increase blood circulation and body temperature.
Apart from eating chili peppers or adding chili powders to your soup, you may also use moisturizers with Capsaicin to massage your feet.
8. Walk On Grass

Apart from relieving stress by taking electrons (since earth has negative charge) through the soles of your feet, walking barefoot on grass is also good for feet health in terms of getting cold.
Walking on the grass with a morning sun (midday sun might be too much) provides vitamin D, which might cause cold feet or hand when missing.
9. Increase Your Iron Intake

In order for cells to burn foods and produce energy, they need oxygen. The responsible unit to transport oxygen to cells is called hemoglobin. When these oxygen-transport proteins are missing, cells are having trouble finding oxygen to burn and without burning food, there won’t be any energy or heat extraction. Iron plays an important role in hemoglobin synthesis.
Some iron-rich foods that can easily boost hemoglobin synthesis are apple, date, lentil, calf’s liver, red meat, spinach, almond and raisin.
10. Eat More Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency is another reason of cold feet and unlike other minerals, our body cannot store magnesium. In order to beat magnesium deficiency, you have to eat certain amount of magnesium (400-420 mg/day for men and 310-320 mg/day for women) every day.
Spinach, leaf mustard, broccoli, avocado, cucumber, green beans, sesame oil and almond are some of the examples for magnesium-rich foods.