A photo of a cat, memes or GIFs on your new tab? It’s now possible!
Not all new tabs on browsers are original and customized. Of course tools like Slite can give you some options but only like to-do list or simply notes on your new tab. However, created by 18-year-old, myFrontPage is a tool to customize the new tab on any browser. He didn’t like the default page that appears when opening a new tab in a browser. It’s impersonal, boring etc. He therefore decided to create this project, to allow anyone to customize the famous “new tab” page.
Personalized Pages That Can Please Anyone

Using myFrontpage is very easy and does not force you to create an account. Once on the page editor, you have to name the page, specify the URL, and decide whether or not to make the page public (currently only available for premium accounts).
After you set up the parameters, then comes the design part. Here it is possible to choose the background color of the page, a theme and various other variables on the menu.
The advanced parameters allow you to choose the search engine, to define a password on the page or to display a watermark.
Lastly, you can add various elements to this page, such as custom text, joke generator, date and time, random GIFs, progress bar against year, bar search and many other options – all of them are customizable. At the bottom of the editor, the page appears in order to have an overview of it.
It is possible to see the pages created by other users and to personalize them via the “Discover” tab. The themes tab allows you to create personalized themes and see the different themes available.
A Tool Accessible For Life

Even though this is a free service doesn’t require signup, some features above require free account from myFrontPage while some of them requires premium subscription.
myFrontPage offers free and paid services, where you can create 2 different pages and publish them with free one while the premium (currently 29€ for life) one allows to create unlimited number of pages with many customizable options.