How To Make Super Mario Brothers Nursery

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Do you like Super Mario Brothers? New games are coming out like a wrecking ball but still we haven’t like any of these as we loved Mario and Luigi, right?

You will need an overhead projector, an acetate paper and acrylic paint pen other than the paints you are going to use. You may also prefer different colors but I think these colors are well-picked and other combinations might not give the same lively results. You don’t need to draw object on acetate paper, just choose a good image of Super Mario Brothers and use a printer instead.

1. Project The Image Onto Wall.

Greenide PIC

2. Paint The Sky.

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3. Paint The Lighter Blue.

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4. Paint Brown Ground And Green Grass.

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5. Paint The Clouds White.

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6. Add Bullet Bill, Koopas And Blocks Using Acrylic Paint Pen.

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7. Amazing Isn’t It?

Greenide PIC
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