White dots under the eyes, popularly called milia, is just another mildly infuriating skin problem most people have. In fact, this is one of the types of acne, so-called whiteheads. It is easy enough to get rid of them, but it is better not to do it on your own. If you ineptly performing the procedure, it can cause significant damage to the skin. The causes of the growth, treatment and prevention procedures as follows.
The medical name for whiteheads or prosyanka is milia (miliaria, lat.). They arise due to the delayed secretion of the sebaceous glands – and the main cause of delayed secretion of the sebaceous gland is excessive secretion of sebum. People with oily and combination skin suffers from milia – furthermore, milia under the eyes indicate high blood cholesterol levels. Before attempting to get rid of milia, one should undergo an ultrasound of the gallbladder and pass a blood test for cholesterol.
There are several ways to get rid of the milia: mechanical removal, electrocoagulation, removal with a laser. Additionally, milia that are very close to the surface of the skin can be removed with a balsamic peeling.
Mechanically, the milia are removed with a thin sterile needle. First, cosmetologist pre-disinfected with alcohol-containing lotions the surface of the skin, after then proceed to the procedure. The needle only pierces the skin in the center of the blocked duct, keeping it almost parallel to the front surface. Then the cosmetologist, wrapping his fingers with sterile wipes, presses the surface around the formation, helping the pus out. After that, the surface is again disinfected. Cosmetologists strongly recommend not doing such procedures at home, because in the absence of sterility, you can make an infection under the skin and cause a permanent scar on your face – getting rid of the scar is far more difficult than the milia. Again, with the inept implementation of the procedure, you can damage the thin skin of the eyelid, as well as not completely remove the seedlings, which completely deprives the effect of all your procedures.
The procedure of electrocoagulation is also carried out by a cosmetologist, using special hardware in cosmetology. The thin needle of the electrocoagulator is fed directly to the milia itself and a current of small quantities is applied to it. The impact is made on each nodule separately. The procedure is quite painless, the cauterization leaves marks for a short time, and disappear later on like scars from minor injuries.
The laser procedure also does not bring any unpleasant sensations and is recommended by cosmetologists as one of the most effective and disease-free methods of getting rid of milia. Just as any other method, laser removal of the milia is required to be carried out only by a certified specialist.
The very first thing in getting rid of white spots under the eyes is occurrence prevention in the first place. If you are concerned about the prodrome on the cheekbones or on the forehead, then for this purpose regularly, at least once a week, apply an exfoliating mask on your face. Prior to this, conduct a test on a small area of skin for the presence of allergy to exfoliating mask. This method is best to avoid if you have tender skin around the eyes. Additionally, paraffin masks can be used as a preventative measure, which unclogs pores and helps remove excess sebum. It is necessary to be careful when applying the melted paraffin under the eyes because this is the most fragile section on the face. Paraffin, in this case, should be a temperature not higher than 45 ° C.
If the skin of your eyelids is prone to milia, you should carefully choose your eye makeup or even consult a specialist when buying cosmetics. You should also pay special attention to your diet, avoid fatty foods, flour, fried food, and especially soft drinks. Prefer vegetables, fruits, boiled beef and white chicken meat in the diet. Lead an active lifestyle, go to the fresh air, and most importantly, do not forget to constantly keep your face clean.