Drawing superheroes is very popular these days, never-ending Marvel movies also has a huge impact on that. People love seeing Iron Man or Deadpool on their phones or computers as a wallpaper, that’s why artists are doing their best to keep their drawings as cool as possible – but not this one.
Steve Bridger is UK-based illustrator & animator and the characters he create are completely different than what you expect. Instead of drawing cool & badass superheroes, he draws chubby superheroes and villains from Marvel Universe. We’ve gathered all of his creations from “Chubby Superheroes” series – you can check out his other creations from his website & Twitter account:
Website: allmightysteve.com
Twitter: @warmcupofsteve
1. Chubby Captain America

2. Chubby Daredevil

3. Chubby Hulk

4. Chubby Iron Man

5. Chubby Spiderman

6. Chubby Thor

7. Chubby Ultron

8. Chubby Venom

9. Chubby Wolverine

10. Chubby Deadpool

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