1. You Will Compare Yourself To All Your Friends, Family And Possibly Every Single Person You Have Ever Met.

You are trying to figure yourself out whilst watching everyone around you seem to know what they are doing and how they are going to do it. One of your school friends has 3 kids and already celebrating married life, then on the other side of life your other friend still can’t tie their own shoelaces. Whilst watching them seem to figure out their life so easily, you’ll sit there and wonder why you don’t have a clue how to progress in this so-called life. Before you know it 3 years have passed, you’re in the same dead-end job and you can’t wait to drown your sorrows on the weekends. Maybe this is just me? But I bet deep down half of you reading this can relate.
2. Your Parents Will Sit You Down And Have That Horrid Conversation About ‘How They Think It’s Time For You To Start Contributing And Paying Rent.

What! Why? In your eyes your still their still baby and in all honesty you’d rather them still be tucking you up in bed and reading you a bed time story. You only work 21 hours a week and they are demanding 10% of your hard-earned wages. It’s just not fair! The reality is we can’t pause time and we have to learn to grow one day, whether we like it or not. Growing up can be a very demanding and stressful process but you will learn so much along the way, the good and the bad will make you who you are. Your twenties is the time you’ll learn the ability to be able to make £2 last 2 months or splash £200 in one weekend, there’s just no in-between and you’ll never figure it out.
3. You’ll Have Your Heartbroken And Crumbled Into A Million Pieces. Not Once, Not Twice But Half A Dozen Times.

We all know how it goes, you meet that one person that turns your world around and then without a second thought they leave you like nothing ever happened. You spend every second with each other; planning your wedding, name your future children and then they go. You’ll become super aware of all your insecurities and will sit back wondering ‘what did I ever do to deserve this’ but don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s me. There are the lucky few that meet the love of their life first time round and let’s be honest it always tends to be the friends around us that do, leaving you feeling like you we are doing something wrong. Let me tell you one thing, this is a gift in disguise and a way to truly see your worth and sense of purpose.
4. You Have No Option But To Think Ahead And Plan For Your Whole Future.

In your eyes you’re still a kid with no idea what you plan to do with your life. You feel pressured to have to go to university or if you don’t you’ll get stuck in same weekend job for the rest of eternity. The stress of having to take the right pathway and become a successful adult can be really hard at times. The best advice I can give you today is to take it day by day and learn to say no with confidence. Sometimes the best advice you can listen too actually comes from yourself, so listen to your wants and needs and make sure you pursue them with confidence. There is no right or wrongs in life and unfortunately nobody has the answer, you’ve just got to pursue and forever learn along the way.
5. But Despite It All, You’ll Have A DAMN Good Time!

But like I said despite it all, we are all going to go through this at some point of our lives and we will survive our twenties. Twenties isn’t all that bad, giving you the opportunity to experience so much before you are old and are full of regret. Take risks and turn those weaknesses into strengths, the best thing is to take life on the chin and accept whatever comes your way. Whether it’s negative or positive, learn to live your twenties as if you have 20 minutes left to live and I can assure you, you’ll have the best time. You’ll make friends for life and produce memories that one day you will share with your grandchild, so live with no regrets and have a fantastic time.
Ashleigh Davis