5 Mini Resolutions For 2021 That Are Guaranteed To Succeed

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When we hear the word New Year’s resolutions, we roll our eyes inwardly. But not with these 5 cool mini ideas that are super easy to implement.

Losing weight, saving money and doing sport are among the three most popular New Year’s resolutions for Germans. Sounds good at first, but it is usually too vague and therefore seeps into the sand by February at the latest. So that the same thing happens to you with your resolutions, we have made them one size smaller and a lot more manageable. Have a look to see if there is something for you:

Once A Day: Write A Diary

Your diary doesn’t have to be a novel, often just a “Happiness Journal” next to the bed, in which the best moment of the day lands. That clears our minds and actually makes us happier, says science.

Once A Week: Try A New Recipe

Especially when you cook for the family, the same thing always comes up on the table. No more: once a week it can be something different, either purely vegetarian, with a fresh regional ingredient or from a different culture. Find a recipe together with everyone, use all your senses when shopping and dare to try spices or preparation methods that you are not yet familiar with.

Once A Month: Read A Book

For each month, take a book that you would like to read. And: Think about who you want to pass it on to afterwards – preferably with a few loving words. Here are a few favorite books from the Greenide editorial team. In January, for example, you can indulge in the delicate portrait of a very special woman with “Crusoe’s Daughter”, dive into the evil abysses of a small town with “Miracle Creek” in February or rediscover your own love for books with the “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” in March.

Once A Year: Get Excited About A New Hobby

Pottery is on everyone’s lips right now. “Art Nights” take place digitally – or try it again with yoga. No matter which hobby you choose: Think in advance how often you want to practice it and whether you can really hold out for a year.

As Often As You Can: Climb Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator not only improves endurance and breathing, but from a scientific point of view makes you younger in the head. Sure: climbing stairs is an effective form of interval training that has already proven to be a guarantee of success in previous studies.

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