Fear of other people’s gaze can paralyze us, but these techniques might help you overcome difficult situations.
People with social anxiety fear finding themselves in embarrassing situations and being judged, or even humiliated, by those around them. Every interaction is difficult for them since this phobia starts early ages in patients’ lives, it hinders their social, personal and professional success. This form of anxiety is scary, but it doesn’t have to control you. Here are some techniques to help you learn how to control it:
1. Let Off Some Steam

Physical activity is a great way to overcome the fear of others’ gazes. Researchers have found that people with anxiety perceive the world around them in a less aggressive and more positive way after exercising. If you like yoga, you’re a double winner because relaxing also helps people with social anxiety.
2. Talk To A Professional

When you have social phobia, you tend to turn to medication, drugs or alcohol to help you feel less inhibited. But according to a study cited by Reader’s Digest, cognitive-behavioral therapy is just as effective as medication and drugs – and more importantly, without the side effects associated with these products.
3. Cuddling The Animals

Although you probably won’t be able to take your pet with you everywhere, try to increase contact with a dog, cat, rabbit or even a horse as much as possible. Their presence helps calm anxiety.
4. Putting On A Show

Ever heard of “Coué method”? It basically translates to “Fake it till you make it” – It works very well in cases of social phobia – to convince yourself that you are comfortable in public, pretend. By taking acting classes, you can improve your acting skills until you are really comfortable.
Read More: 3 Things That Might Be Causing Morning Anxiety
5. Offer To Help

If the thought of confronting guests at a party terrifies you, offering to help the organizers can calm your nerves. Focusing on a task at hand and concentrating the emotions of other people help deflecting attention and gives you a new priority. Helping another person will also give you something to talk about.