1. Cooking Parties.

2. Safety First.

3. Best Place To Stash Beers.

4. A Very Healthy Diet.

5. Epic Birthday Parties.

6. Girls Night (Sort Of).

7. When You Spend The Night By Playing League Of Legends.

8. Guys Night (Which Happens Every Night).

9. Neat And Tidy, Just Like The Mom Taught.

10. Awkward Friend Photos.

11. Formal Meetings In Unisex Dorm Showers (For Some Reason).

12. Final Exam Tomorrow? Nah, There Is Always Next Year.

13. “Hold My Beer And Keep Recording.”

14. “Welcome New Guy. Here Is Your Bed.”

15. Invention Of The Century.

16. “This Will Cut Our Energy Bill By $450, I Promise.”

17. All-Purpose Electric Kettles.

18. All Purpose Electric Heater.

19. Survive!

20. “Hmm… Delicious.”

What Do You Think?