1. “Would You Mind Petting Me, Please?”
2. Beard Mlem.
3. “Could You Please… Yessss!”
4. “Enough Cuddling? Of Course Not!”
5. “Good Work Today. Sleep Well. I’ll Most Likely Kill You In The Morning.”
6. “Here Ya Kiss.”
7. “You Won’t Pet Me? I Will Make You Pet!”
8. “Who Wants Cuddling?”
9. “Both Sides Please.”
10. “Kiss Me Kiss You.”
11. “Hey! HEY! Don’t You Dare Forget About Me!”
12. This Is True Joy.
13. “Just Like That. Don’t You Get It?”
14. “Not Enough!”
15. “Such A Nice Beard You Got There Billy.”
16. “This Arm Is My Personal Pet Toy, OK???”
17. “Surprise Hug!!!”
18. “So You Want A Kiss Jane Foster? Here You Go!”
What Do You Think?